I have previously talked about how to use javascript to auto-convert the text emoticons into graphical emoticons such as this

and this

(check out my previous post here:
Use Emoticon On Blogger Blog). One disadvantage of using the method that I mentioned in that post, is that you will need to remember the predefined characters (such as '/wa ha ha') in order to invoke the graphical emoticons. If that is inconveniet to you, here's
another way to use emoticons on blogger blog without having to memorize all those characters.
You will find that the author of the blog has included a rich collection of the Onion emoticons on that blog (in case you don't know, this little guy is what I meant by Onion emoticon ->

), which are really cute... but he did not include the Yahoo Messenger's emoticons. So I have added the YM emoticon series here in this script:
Yahoo Messenger Emoticons For Blogger. Follow the same steps in
this post to install the YM emoticon script. This is what you will see after the installation is done:

You will also see the Onion emoticons if you have installed them previously.. they will not overwrite each other.
If you have any question or problem installing the script, feel free to comment here.. Also, if you are using my script and think that it's useful, a link back to this post/blog will be much appreciated
